Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Communication: a relationships best friend

Communication: the "art" of conveying messages or sending information from one source to another. 

Why this is important? Because it's a vital tool to keep others informed of necessary information. It allows people to make knowledgable decisions in circumstances that require specific information and in romantic relationships it is a necessary skill to prevent/dissolve issues that are sure to arise in relationships.

Communication is a fundamental tool that is often left behind in most relationships wether it be friendly or romantic. People are too often defeated by the fear of saying what's necessary in order to protect themselves from being the "bad guy" rather than just speaking out on what's right or conveying how they feel about a particular situation. People too often excercise the "ignorance is bliss philosophy" so they can have an excuse to say "well I didn't know" to avoid accountability for the circumstance.  People have an easier time saying unnecessary things but can't even formulate a sentence when communication is vital.

Any romantic relationship you MUST communicate the necessary things in order to have functionality and longevity.
1. Honest communication of intentions, what is the aim or goal for your relationship. 
2. Active communication of issues, most of the time problems start off small, they grow bigger if not adressed. Note: some things warrant compromise
3. Communicate appreciation and reassurance, some things need to be said even if you feel you show it. It will build trust and make communicating easier when it's something difficult to say
4.honesty honesty honesty, lies are never a good idea, mistakes are very forgivable if corrected, lies are blatant disrespect, display lack of character, destroys trust and integrity. A big No No!

Be very aware that men and women communicate in totally different ways almost as if they speak different languages. It takes a particular type of intimacy to decipher what each is saying in certain situations. For example... Men, when women are communicating their problems to you, it's not necessarily her asking you for your expert problem solving techniques, she's asking for your ear and understanding for comfort and compassion. Ladies a mans lack of communication isn't always a sign of detachment from you, a man is often quiet and distanst when he is having problems that he is contemplating dillegently to solve. There is no need to chase him an make him vent to you, he'll be back. 

That's one of men and womens major miscommunications, therefore proving why it's necessary for men and women to be active in learning communication. Patience and understanding is key to developing communication skiils aswell as familiarity with yourself in order to effectively process what's being conveyed to you and what you need to convey to others.. Think about it   


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