Saturday, December 26, 2009

Back to the basics

Lately I've been really in think mode, wondering about life and how I live it and why others make theirs so much more complex than it needs to be. We as a people tend to amplify the things life throws at us with simple misunderstandings and impulsiveness. I beleive that there is a level of haste that we let ourselves fall in and we forget to live, there is always time to take a breath and enjoy life.

Today everybody seems to be worried about what they don't have or how many people hatin on em. Whatever happened to appreciating the things that you have and working to better not only yourself but the friends and family beside you? Our men fear themselves and the potential they posses, they underacheive and have a lack of heart. Our women fear our men and fear being alone, they distrust each other and don't know what a healthy relationship looks like anymore. Neither men or women have a definition of love synonymous with each other and everybody is blaming someone else for why things aren't working out for them.

I beleive that we should live life a little slower with more patience, open our eyes and actually see what we are doing. It doesn't make sense to rush through life when everyone knows what's at the end of the road... Death! Let's take it back to the basics and live each day with a goal to enjoy it and not allow ourselves to be knocked out of balance. 

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